Cameraman holding his video camera.

Huff Media Solutions is an Indigenous owned creative agency that can help you connect to your audience. 

Our Latest Project

In the Spirit of Water

We were honoured to be asked by the Lambton Kent District School Board to produce a film that captures ‘In the Spirit of Water’; an Elementary Educator Conference hosted in Chatham, Ontario in the spring of 2023.

The event was organized by the board’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity Team to inspire all of us to move toward a more inclusive way of being. They chose water as a theme for its universality, something we all share. 

The event offered space for elementary teachers to understand the power they have as educators and explore how they can better support their student’s unique qualities and gifts.

Invited speakers include: Dr. James Makokis and Anthony Johnson, the first Indigenous Two-Spirit couple to win the Amazing Race Canada; Chris D’Souza, an equity and anti-oppression activist; Cedric Isaac, Bkejwanong Elder and educator; Dorothy Wright, Elder and storyteller from the Black community of Chatham-Kent and Devorah Fick, spiritual leader of Windsor’s Congregation Beth El.

All of us at Huff Media Solutions are proud of this production as we believe it can move all of us toward the kind of world we all hope for, for our children and grandchildren for generations to come.  We hope you agree.

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To learn more, visit the LKDSB website, at

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